Portraits: - Dear Future World Portrait Series: DFW_012

{quote}I feel like people don’t love each other like they used to, there’s this hatred and friction between us. What scares me is that this friction is in your face, there’s this hatred between mankind and trees, between mankind and animals, nature, the sea is being polluted and a large number of waste and plastic is being disposed in it. Mankind has become a savage, a savage even in their feelings for their fellow man that wants to be alone, refuses to share a world that God created for all of us. Please, let’s try to love each other like before{quote}Mohamed Farrag

"I feel like people don’t love each other like they used to, there’s this hatred and friction between us. What scares me is that this friction is in your face, there’s this hatred between mankind and trees, between mankind and animals, nature, the sea is being polluted and a large number of waste and plastic is being disposed in it. Mankind has become a savage, a savage even in their feelings for their fellow man that wants to be alone, refuses to share a world that God created for all of us. Please, let’s try to love each other like before" 

Mohamed Farrag